Nuvé is the ultimate luxury experience. Take advantaged of our monthly offers and exclusive deals
Nuvé Signature Club
Experience the ultimate in vodka enjoyment with a NUVÉ Signature Club subscription that ensures you never miss out on a beyond smooth experience.
Join our exclusive Nuvé Signature Club and each month, you’ll receive your signature NUVÉ bottle, along with members-only special offers, giveaways and exclusive gifts tailored just for you. Indulge in the exquisite luxury of Nuvé Vodka while maximising your savings. Delight in the convenience of having Nuvé delivered directly to your doorstep, ensuring that you never find yourself without this premium spirit. Alternatively, share the gift of unforgettable moments with a loved one, allowing them to craft cherished memories each month.
By joining our prestigious Nuvé Signature Club, you unlock not only remarkable savings on your Nuvé Vodka but also a FREE bottle on your twelfth month—as a gesture of our gratitude for your ongoing loyalty. The more you indulge, the more you save. Choose from our exclusive selection of packages and elevate your status to that of a VIP member in our Signature Club where you will enjoy unparalleled access to exclusive offers and discounts, enriching your Nuvé experience like never before.
Chance To Win $50,000
In celebration of the grand launch of our Nuvé Signature Club, we invite you to join our exclusive signature VIP club for a chance to win a remarkable $50,000. Every new member will automatically be entered into this prestigious draw. Novice members will receive one entry, Aficionado members will enjoy two entries, and Connoisseur members will benefit from three entries, enhancing their chances of winning. Our Signature Club not only gives you the opportunity to indulge in our exceptionally smooth, super premium vodka, but also presents you with a chance to win an astounding $50,000.